Picoway Laser Treatment for Acne Scars | FDA-cleared

Non-invasive Picoway Danville & Los Gatos: Balance Skin Tone


Picoway is an FDA-cleared picosecond laser that treats acne scars, wrinkles, and benign pigmented lesions (dark spots) and helps remove tattoos. Picoway first became known for its tattoo and pigment removal capabilities, but it is now growing in use for acne scars and wrinkles. The Picoway laser reaches under the skin for its impact, leaving the outer layer of the skin intact. The ultra-short pulses vaporize their targets before the skin has the chance to overheat. Targets can be pigment from tattoos, melanin in the skin that causes dark spots, or areas in the dermis where tiny spaces can be created to allow room for new collagen and elastin growth in treating acne scars and wrinkles.

How it works

Picoway uses ultra-short, picosecond energy pulses to target tattoo ink or natural pigmentation below the skin’s surface. These high-powered pulses will break up the pigment into tiny particles that the body can naturally clear away. Picoway is also used to stimulate collagen and elastin production in your complexion, which gives you a more youthful look.


Some of the benefits of Picoway:

  • It is safe for all Skin Types
    In the past, people with darker skin types who received laser treatment could develop dark spots or light spots because too much energy was absorbed into their skin. The Picoway laser, on the other hand, is safe for a broad range of skin types. This cutting-edge treatment is a fractional laser. That means it only affects a fraction of your skin while leaving the healthy cells around the treated area completely unharmed. This laser also operates at three different wavelengths of energy, with options less likely to be absorbed by your skin.
  • Causes Minimal Downtime
    This treatment’s ultra-short pulses provide a photoacoustic effect instead of a photothermal effect. These pulses will not heat the skin, which prevents unwanted side effects like downtime and scarring. Picoway will also leave the outer layer of skin completely unharmed. Within one day of treatment, you can resume your normal daily activities — including applying makeup on the treated areas.
  • Quicker treatments
    Picoway laser treatments are fast, typically lasting less than 30 minutes. Your appointment is so quick that you can schedule it during your lunch break. Plus, the laser’s effects are so subtle that no one would guess you ever received a cosmetic procedure.
  • Requires Fewer Treatments
    Some skin issues will be resolved in a single appointment, while others require multiple office visits for the best results. The exact number of treatments will vary based on your unique needs, but you can expect results in less time than with other laser options.
  • It has minimal discomfort
    Since less heat is transferred into your skin, your procedure will be reasonably comfortable. Patients who receive Picoway report little to no discomfort.

Get Flawless Skin With Picoway Picosecond Laser Treatment!

Picoway treatment is the best way to remove tattoos, pigmentation, acne marks, and scars by reaching under the skin for its impact, leaving the outer layer of the skin intact. Whatever your skin type is, this treatment is safe, effective, and hassle-free. Book a consultation today!


All kind’s can be treated, including professional, amateur, traumatic and even recalcitrant tattoos. Recalcitrant tattoos are tattoos that have been proven to be resistant to nanosecond laser treatment.

Yes, Picoway treatment is indicated for all skin types.

Picoway treatments usually take 20-30 minutes to complete and allow for up to 4-6 passes over the entire face. Most clients like to add on neck or hand treatments, which will add to the treatment time.

After the Quick procedure, you can return to normal activities. Picoway is a “no downtime” procedure with just 8 to 36 hours to mild redness. There is little discomfort after the procedure. Makeup can be applied the next day.

Patients will experience mild redness immediately after for 8 to 36 hours following treatment. Occasionally, some patients may experience mild swelling and itchiness following the treatment, which can be treated with a topical hydrocortisone until it has subsided.